Quick Details
Meeting point: 65388 Schlangenbad, Rheingauer Str. 18, An der Äskulaptherme / entrance via Hohlstraße.
We recommend parking at the large Adelheidtal hikers’ car park at the end of Hessenallee.
Included in the tour fee: E-bike rental, coaching, delivery, pick-up, themed tour, snack and beverages
The minimum number of participants is 4.
Additional dates, group appointments or corporate events are available on request.
Please note that there is a handling fee for processing your booking and printing your ticket immediately as print@home.
€ 59
People with their own e-bike
€ 39
About the E-Bike-Tour
Jokingly, one says in colloquial language: You haven’t eaten anything today, you can’t live only on air and love! And so one could say of Schlangenbad, one lives there on air and forest.
As one of the smallest spa and bathing communities in Germany, Schlangenbad is secluded and hidden in a valley between the lower Taunus and the vineyards of the Rheingau.
Here, warm, southern air mixes with an invigorating low mountain climate, coupled with an incredibly soothing tranquillity in a varied, ancient forest – what more do body and soul need to recover?
With several varied e-bike tours, we discover the breezy, wooded area around Schlangenbad.
Let yourself be enchanted by an old-growth forest that lets the sun’s rays shine through the trees and smells of wood, moss and conifers. Not far from us, red deer leap through the glade, a squirrel scurries up a tree trunk. Picturesque forest valleys alternate with magical forest-like tree slopes and in between we discover one or the other rugged rocky slope. And perhaps we will discover an Aesculapian snake on our cycle route, resident here and immortalised in the town’s coat of arms?
And since you can’t live on “air and forest” alone, we’ll have a snack in the forest on our excursion.
up to 2 days before the tour
We cycle in all weathers. In case of persistent bad weather, the tour will be shortened as far as possible. In the event of foreseeable extreme weather conditions, the bike tour will be cancelled by email/phone to all participants up to 1.5 h before the start of the tour.