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Our regional walking tours are not just for walking. They include hiking and discovering the immediate region. For all those who enjoy exercise, have always wanted to learn background information, interesting facts or simply more knowledge about the cultural and everyday history of their region and are keen to make small discoveries.

It’s often the case that you live in a region but don’t know it that well. Then they often say: “My God, I’ve been living here for so long, but I didn’t know that before! Getting a different perspective on things, experiencing “foreign” worlds of life up close – that is cult-touren with the credo: Discover our region!

Experience and discover cultural, historical and new things on our regional adventure walks – be it a few kilometres away or directly in your neighbourhood. The tours are individually compiled, as are the cultural, historical and topical stories on the tours. Get out of your daily routine for a change: Fresh air, exercise, relaxation, recreation, leaving everyday thoughts behind. Against the backdrop of an increasingly complex world, there is a growing need for a personal experience of nature, the rediscovery of regional culture and region in the immediate vicinity and recreation in a natural landscape.

All hiking tours and themes are individually compiled, are mostly based on old hiking trails and require fitness. Each regional adventure hike has a specific theme with regional and cultural relevance. Some selected topics are taught by experts on site. In this way, you get to know the region, culture, history and stories worth telling on the tours.

Our most beautiful autumn hikes

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Our hiking-experience combinations can be booked – also in English on request – as half-day or full-day tours – the small holiday in the immediate vicinity! A nice side effect: You also get to know a variety of restaurants, regional products and country hotels.

Not only in summer!

We are also out and about in the wintertime, when stopping for a bite to eat promises fun and warmth, and we keep our sense of humour even when it rains! We promise.